Orthodontic for Children

An orthodontic treatment can be extremely beneficial for your child and the development of their smile. Read more to find out why! 

Have you been considering whether or not your child should seek orthodontic care? Orthodontic treatment can be a big decision to make. At FL Dental & Orthodontics, we want to give you all the information you need in order to make the right decision for your little ones. 

What caused my child's Orthodontic Problems?

Most orthodontics problems are hereditary. Some develop over time by thumb or finger sucking, mouth breathing, tooth decay, abnormal swallowing, poor oral health, accidents and poor diet. Sometimes a hereditary orthodontic condition is complicated by an acquired condition or a poor oral habit, such as thumb-sucking. Luckily, orthodontists can usually correct most conditions successfully. 

What are the benefits of an Orthodontic treatment for my child?

An orthodontic treatment’s purpose is to create a healthy and functional “bite.” This is a combination of tooth alignment along with the position of the jaw. Proper tooth alignment and jaw growth provides a variety of benefits including:

Will my child's teeth straighten out naturally as they grow?

Unfortunately, that is very unlikely to happen. The space available for permanent teeth does not increase as your child grows. Leaving teeth to grow out with present orthodontic issues can later lead to a more difficult treatment process, tooth decay, gum disease, and a multitude of other problems. 

What's the right age to bring my child in for Orthodontic treatment?

There is no “right” age. However, the AAO (American Association of Orthodontics) recommends bringing in your child for an initial orthodontic evaluation no later than the age of 7. Once you bring your child in for an evaluation, Our Orthodontist is able to determine the right treatment – if one is even necessary.